Froggy Problem coded using Carroll's Method of Subscripts
This is the representation of Lewis Carroll's Froggy problem coded in Carroll's Method of Subscripts using the Dictionary given by Lewis Carroll. It can be compared with the more usual representation.
Regrettably the dictionary is the only fragment that remains of Example 30 in Book XIV in Part II of Symbolic Logic and
is taken from "Lewis Carroll's Symbolic Logic" Edited by William Warren Bartley, III Published by Harvester Press 1977
ISBN 0-85527-984-2.
From this I have produced the Register of Attributes
according to the rules set out in Chapter III of Book XII of "Symbolic Logic". This process reveals that
there are four Retinends, these being E, a, b, d.
Carroll requires the
Complete Conclusion which he explains (Book XIII Chapter I) means stating
"all the relations, among the Retinends only, which can be deduced from the Premisses."
01 s'1r'0
02 m'h1d0
03 E1(ak')'0
04 ln1v'0
05 zm1c0
06 t1A'0
07 s'n'c1r0
08 zv1m'0
09 E1w'0
10 vkm1t'0
11 E1(scn')'0
12 A1B0
13 kh'1n'0
14 r1c'0
15 v'a'h'1l'0
16 wt's1n'0
17 d1(ek)'0
18 snb'1B'0
19 we1z'0
20 t'A'r'c'1n0
In solving this problem using the Method of Trees (Book XII) we can follow Carroll's advice
(Book XII Chapter III in a worked example) and divide premisses 3, 11 and 17 into separate premisses
(3 in the case of premiss 11 and 2 each in the cases of premisses 3 and 17, so there are really 24 premisses in all). These divided premisses become: