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The subject matter of the Foundation symposia is wide-ranging and multi-disciplinary. The bookshop is therefore arranged by author, with a brief note for each author outlining the key elements of those publications which have most relevance to the work of the Foundation. Clicking on the author's name will take you to a complete list of his or her publications which can then be purchased from
Stephanie Dalley Dr Stephanie Dalley works in the field of Assyriology. She has deciphered cuneiform tablets found on excavations in Iraq, Syria and Jordan and published a new translation of ancient myths from Mesopotamia. Published archives from Nimrud, Tell al-Rimah, Til Barsip; Royal Scottish Museum; Ashmolean Museum. Mari and Karana, Two Old Babylonian Cities (1984); Myths from Mesopotamia (1989), The Legacy of Mesopotamia (1998) and many various articles.
Roger Penrose The Times said of his book Shadows of the Mind"One of the most important works of the second half of the 20th century" and "Penrose has come closer than anyone to a rigorous discussion of the most intriguing problem of all: what are we? how do we think? and what is it that makes us human?"
Rosalyn Tureck Rosalyn Tureck is an artist without being an egocentric. Her great quality is to impose a perception of musical time that is incredibly different from one individual to another, by succeeding in recreating Bach's music in all its complexity.